
New In: A Work In Progress by Connor Franta & Finish This Book by Keri Smith


As already told in my last post, I would show you the books that I bought in London last week. And I am not overreacting if I say I could live in the Waterstones Bookstore because I just wanted to buy and read everything and the fact that most books would be hard to get in The Netherlands made me want to cry. But let's get on with what this post was about: The two books. (and a little shout out to my cute little plants in the top right corner).

 F nish Th s B  k (Finish This Book) | Keri smith | 12,99 Pounds

I wasn't looking for this book in particular, but I was already familiar with Keri from my Wreck This Journal (which I should have finished by now, I'm not even close). Getting her books in English instead of Dutch is a pretty hard job so I took my chance right away. 
I like Keri's way of being about her concept and thinking out of the box, and I thought this book would come with a little more instructions than the Wreck This Journal, which would make me finish it easier. Sad enough I can't take you on the journey with me because of rule No. 2 from the instructions: "Do not share your findings until directed to do so". My trust is in her hands.

A Work In Progress, a memoir | Connor Franta (!!) | 9,99 Pounds, $16,99 U.S./$21,99 Canada

Getting this book was my one and only mission on the shopping list of going to London. I didn't care what I would get myself, as long as I would find this book. If you follow Connor Franta you know that it came out April 21st, which is pretty recent. It would definitely not be available in The Netherlands and I'm not really a person for Internet shopping (shame on me, I know). I've already read the first 3 chapters and I'm so excited to go on but I first need to read a book for school, it's a pain..
The layout of this book is so well-done and Connor-like, I don't know how else to explain. Until now I absolutely loved it, I don't think there's anything else to say about it for now. 

And those were the books I bought in London! I'm sure that I'll enjoy myself with these for a long long time and maybe there will pop-up a review about them later, any enthusiasts?
If my happy talk made you just as interesting in these books as I am, you can visit this link for Connor's book and this link for Keri's book. 

That was that for now! Leave your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to follow ;)

Thanks for reading,
Lots of Love,

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