
How to Draw: Sunset w/ coal pencils


Hey! It's been a month since I've visited Denmark for an exchange project, and I did a little shopping there as well, because the art supplies were surprisingly cheap! I bought a set of coal pencils; Soft, medium, hard, two of each, and a small sketchbook (see end of post). I started experimenting a bit and decided that it would be nice to start with a sunset, since it's summer and it's tropically warm in Holland right now. See how I did it? Stay tuned!

An apologise in advance for my fingers being in the picture all the freaking time.

Let's start.

Step 1: Draw a soft horizontal line and something like half a circle attached to it, using hard.

Step 2:  Keep your soft pencil flat, and make the "sea" thingy (at least that's what it's supposed to be) , like shown above. Also, fill in your sun, using hard. Smudge it with one of your finger [optional].

Step 3: Use medium to make shadowy things at both sides, I'm terrible at explaining, but you will see above.

Step 4: Thicken the horizontal line/ horizon, using hard. Make some small sun rays at the two corners of the sun/horizon. Also add a bit of layering at the sides, 2/3 down using medium and 1/4 down with hard. Add a bit of soft and medium, in the middle, just as much as you like. 

Step 5: Start on the sun rays. Make large ones using soft and medium-length ones with medium.

Step 6: Repeat the steps before to adjust and improve your drawing.

Step 7: Smudge everything once again, to make everything flow into each other [optional] 

Step 8: Add some more lines and sun rays where you like, also fill in your sun again, just in case you smudged a little too much out of it. 

And now you're done with drawing a sunset!

My new A5 sketchbook :)

Not really into the smudgy, flowy look? Skip the optional steps and your sunset will look something like this. 

If you decide to recreate this, make sure to tag me in your photos via Instagram or Twitter ( though I'm not very active on twitter), and maybe I'll repost! 

Q: Do you like drawing with coal pencils? 

Thanks for reading,
Lots of love,

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