
Tutorial: New years card | Mosaic style


Happy New Year! I hope you all had a very good New Years Eve :). Today I have a little tutorial for you on how to make your own New Years card in mosaic style. It's a little bit late, but you can always get a different quote so it fits for all occasions. So without further ado, let's get started!

What you need:
- A pencil
- Paint / crayons ( anything you can make different shades of colour with )
- Black ink / fineliner
- A ruler

1: Make a frame. Personally, I like the messy look when you do it withour a ruler. But if you want to you can use one ofcourse. There are no strict measurements for how you do this.

2: Make and arrangement for your quote. My arts teacher taught me this last year; if you're getting a quote on paper its important to have an arrangement, so you won't be struggling to fit in the last letters. I used a width for about 2.5/3 cm for every letter. Make sure your letters are pretty thick, you'll need to be able to paint them.

3: Overline your frame and your quote with a black fineliner and earase the composition lines you made for the quote.

4: Make random lines within your frame. First start with making them go from edge to edge, when you've done that have a look if all the letters have been divided in several pieces. Because it doesn't look really nice when they're small or if there are only two per letter. You can make smaller in between lines like I did with the w in new. You can do this both with or without a ruler.

5: Start filling in the boxes. Start with the normal colour, fill in a couple and then mix it with white for a lighter shade. Go on like this until you're done and do the same for the letters. Go for two different colours for the letters and the background to make a bigger contrast.

6: Overline everything once again. And you're done!

So that's it! I hope you like it and you can always send me a photo of your recreations :)

Q: Do you have any goals for 2016?

Thanks for reading,
Lots of love,

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